Calm Your Farm

logo, illustration/painting

Calm Your Farm was initially an animal assisted therapy business specialising in dogs and commissioned NickyOlive (me) to create a dog inspired artwork to be used as a logo. At this point in time, I was a painter and artist, not yet a Graphic Design professional.

When horses and potentially other animals were going to be introduced, I was once again commissioned to provide the artwork. However, I was now a Graphic Designer and could ‘upsell’ my services and help with a name change, a series of animal portraits, and above all a new logo design.

The varying breeds of dogs and majestic horse portraits really catch the eye; with a series of bright colours and negative space, it is complicated from a visual point of view. With this in mind, the logotype/wordmark would have a requirement to be simple, yet bold so as to not be lost. 

It also needed to be professional and confidence inducing. 

Due to the size and complexity of the images for this project, multiple variations were created to provide flexibility so that the logo would still work regardless of use, space, and size.

The ‘wordmark’ alone has two variations and these can be split if necessary. Each of the individual animals also have their own variation.

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